It is DanChem Technology policy to carry out all activities in a manner that minimizes environmental impacts, conserves natural resources and provides effective stewardship of the environment. To that end, DanChem Technology is committed to making environmental management an integral core value and vital part of the DanChem Technology culture by:
- Integrating environmental considerations into work practices at all levels;Informing employees and associates of applicable environmental regulations and DanChem Technology requirements;
- Providing the resources necessary for employees and associates to conduct their work in accordance with applicable environmental regulations and DanChem Technology requirements;
- Developing environmental goals and targets relevant to DanChem Technology operations and taking actions to achieve those goals and targets;
- Promoting pollution prevention, waste minimization, and conservation;Promoting the effective use of innovative environmental technologies and practices;
- Fostering a work environment in which employees and associates are encouraged to report and raise environmental issues without fear of retaliation;
- Continually improving the effectiveness and efficiency of environmental management through assessments and performance and cost metrics;
- and Complying with applicable laws, regulations and other promulgated environmental requirements.
In addition, every individual at DanChem Technology is expected to:
- Conduct their assigned duties in a manner that complies with applicable environmental regulations and DanChem Technology requirements;
- Continually strive to improve environmental performance in their work area;
- Be aware of the potential environmental consequences of their actions at all times and take care to minimize any adverse consequences;
- Promptly report or otherwise address conditions that could result in a spill or release of hazardous or regulated material to the environment;
- Promptly report environmental incidents, i.e., events in which a spill or release of hazardous or regulated material to the environment occurred or could have occurred;
- Participate in the conduct of incident investigations;
- Effectively disseminate information and lessons learned from any incidents; and
- Correct deficiencies and take actions to prevent incidents from occurring.